Thursday, June 17, 2010


I don't know many people who would consider themselves patient. Or at least people who would use that word to describe themselves if asked. But I do know that I am very impatient, I'm one of the most impatient people I know. If I want something right now, I mean I want it yesterday. There have been many discussions between Ben and I about dishwashing (who leaves dishes just sitting in the sink for pete's sake?) and the making of the bed (needs to get done every morning, thank you). But never before has a wait actually been excruciating.

We received our referral for TK Smalls on March 23rd. About a week after that, we accepted the referral after consulting with a doctor who specializes in working with international adoptees, although after taking one look at his picture we were pretty much hooked. Since then, we have been waiting for our court date. For the uninitiated this is the day our case is presented in Ethiopian court and you either pass and your child officially becomes your child or you don't pass and you get another court date assigned. (It seems like such an anticlimactic process for a decision that has so much weight behind it.)

Our court date was June 11th. We did not pass. The Ministry of Women's Affairs, the government organization that oversees adoptions in Ethiopia, did not have the letter of support prepared in time. Our next court date is June 29th.

In the endless stretching span of time, I realize that March 23rd to June 29th is infinitesimal. I know this. Seriously, I do. But when you are waiting to travel to a country you have been falling in love with to pick up a child that you hope to love more than ANYTHING YOU HAVE EVER LOVED BEFORE that span of time might as well be forever because that is what it feels like. (Unhelpful things to say at this point would include: “Everything happens for a reason!” “All in due time…” “It will happen before you know it and then you’ll be wondering where all your free time went!” People, please.)

I debated whether to even start up this blog again. Since it was just a place for me to post my musings on my trip to Haiti, it kind of started and ended organically. I did think about an adoption blog but how cliché is that? Many blogs out there are written way more eloquently and succinctly than I could ever hope for this rambling, babbling mess.


Here I am. And here you are. So there.


Posy said...

So there. I was excited to see you back up and at it. You are right there are a million blogs, many about adoption I'm sure, but who cares. None of my friends are writing about the process, and even if they were, none of them are awaiting TK Smalls. Even if it's just a personal blog for you and your loved ones, it will be worth it. I love looking back on the Franny blog and am so glad I have kept that record for her.

And patience, well I heard that being a parent would teach me patience, but from one impatient person to another, I'll tell you it doesn't. Well, maybe a little, but I don't think I'll ever be a patient person. I'll just be an impatient mama biting the inside of my cheek as I fake patience.

Welcome back to the world of blogging. xoPQ

David said...

Welcome back....

The waiting does stink...hang in there.

TraceyLeigh said...

I love you and I am not all that patient either so I semi-understand. I can't say I completely understand because I have not walked in your shoes. I am glad you are blogging again no matter what the reason. I'm with your other friend that said who cares about those other blogs.. I don't know those people. You I know and your son I can't wait to know! You and your situation is an education for me for a situation that I would normally know nothing about. I thank you for that. I hope others stumble across your blog and see it for what it is.. a chance to see love in action! and the chance to see a brilliant sarcastic mind at work!