Monday, September 24, 2012

Clinic At A Time Etsy store

A community of women have gathered together from across the U.S. (from New Hampshire to Oregon!) to sew on behalf of women in Ethiopia. 

Our ‘Upcyle for Ethiopia’ team is repurposing burlap coffee bags to support mothers in Gojjam Ethiopia. Women walk for days to deliver babies in crowded and ill equipped rooms. We aim to change that by supporting Clinic At A Time ( as they build a new labor, delivery, and recovery suite for women in Gojjam Ethiopia. 

Upcycling coffee bags makes perfect sense to us; coffee originates from the beautiful country of Ethiopia! Our bags come from all over, but resonate with the essence of Ethiopia. Our hope is that ‘Upcycle for Ethiopia’ sells YOU an awesome product, and delivers improved medical care to mothers and babies in need.

*We will be selling our burlap upcycle items beginnning on November 1 through December 10 on etsy. Our shop is called "Upcycle for Ethiopia."

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